Fuel Oil Info


My Oil Dealer is responsible for sludge in my oil tank.

Oil Dealers are only responsible for delivering clean fuel oil to the customer. Oil Dealers can make sure that their bulk storage tanks and delivery truck tanks are water tight, free from debris such as pieces of gasket material, rag lint, hose flakes etc. Dealers have no control over refining, blending or conditions at refineries.

Refineries are cutting corners when it comes to making home heating oil.

Oil refineries can only process the crude oil that is brought in. Crude oil varies depending on what part of the world it came from. One example is "sweet" Vs. "sour crude". Sweet crude has a lower sulfer content than sour crude, yet both can come from the same continent.

There are no standards for home heating oil.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has standardized five basic grades, Nos. 1,2,4,5, and 6. Home heating oil is No. 2. Sulfer content, flash point, pour point and % of sediment are just a few examples of the standard testing procedure.

My Dealer uses additives to prevent sludge accumulation in my tank.

No matter how good a fuel additive may be, it cannot completely prevent the formation of sludge. The best method of treatment is to first have the tank bottom cleaned, then a regular program of additives will slow the re-accumulation of sludge.

the only way to remove sludge from the bottom of the tank is to replace the tank

Replacing the tank is time consuming and expensive. Considering the tank should be cleaned every 3-5 years. Tank cleaning costs less than 2% of replacement costs and is by far more effective. Tank replacement should only be for reasons of tank integrity such as a leaky or weak bottom.